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Reading and Resouce List

Below is a list of books and online resources used in the research for  By Any Other Name: An Exploration of Afro-Amerindian Heritage.

As the project hopes to expand so do we aim to expand our resource list. If you feel there are other works that should be added to this list, we'd love to know, so please Contact Us.  

Caldwell, A. B. (1917). History of the american negro and his institutions. (Original ed.). Atlanta, Ga.: A. B. Caldwell publishing co.


de Quatrefages, A. (1879). The human species [Espèce humaine.]. New York: D. Appleton and company.


Estes, R. (2009). Where have all the indians gone? native american eastern seaboard dispersal, genealogy and DNA in relation to sir walter raleigh's lost colony of roanoke. Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 5(2), 96-130.


Forbes, J. D. (1963). The historian and the indian: Racial bias in american history. The Americas, 19(4), 349-362. doi:10.2307/979504


Forbes, J. D. (1983). Mustees, half-breeds and zambos in anglo north america: Aspects of black-indian relations. American Indian Quarterly, 7(1), 57-83. doi:10.2307/1183882


Forbes, J. D., & Forbes, J. D. (1993). Africans and native americans: The language of race and the evolution of red-black peoples. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


Gallay, A. (2009). Indian slavery in colonial america. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.


Harris, L. M., & Berry, D. R. (2013). Slavery and freedom in savannah. Athens; London: The University of Georgia Press.


Hawkins, B., & Weeks, S. B. (1916). Letters of benjamin hawkins, 1796-1806. Savannah, Ga.: Georgia historical society.


Higginbotham, A. L. (1978). In the matter of color: The colonial period. New York: Oxford University Press.


Hochschild, JL & Powell, BM. (2008). Racial reorganization and the united states census 1850-1930: Mulattoes, half-breeds, mixed parentage, hindoos, and the mexican race Studies in American Political Development, 22(1), 59-96.


Katz, W. L. (2012). Black indians: A hidden heritage (Rev ed.). New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.


Lane, M. (1995). Georgia: History written by those who lived it. Savannah, Ga.: Beehive Foundation.


Littlefield, D. F. (1979). Africans and creeks: From the colonial period to the civil war. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.


Littlefield, D. F., & Parins, J. W. (2011). Encyclopedia of american indian removal. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood.


McArthur, J.N. (1986).
Myth, reality, and anomaly: The complex world of rebecca hagerty.
East Texas Historical Journal, 24(2), 18-32. Retrieved from


McMichael, L., & Daughters of the American Revolution. Georgia. William McIntosh Chapter, Jackson. (1978). History of butts county, georgia, 1825-1976. Atlanta: Cherokee Pub. Co.


Norris, J. (1712b). Profitable advice for rich and poor. in a dialogue, or discourse between james freeman, a carolina planter, and simon question, a west-country farmer. London: Printed by J. How, and sold by R. Davis, bookseller, in Bridgewater, Somersetshire.


Price, E. T. (1953). A geographic analysis of white-negro-indian racial mixtures in eastern united states. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 43(2), 138-155. doi:10.2307/2561091


Rafinesque, C. S., & Jay I Kislak Collection. (1836). The american nations, or, outlines of their general history, ancient and modern: Including the whole history of the earth and mankind in the western hemisphere, the philosophy of american history, the annals, traditions, civilization, languages, &c. of all the american nations, tribes, empires, and states : With plates, views, and plans of monuments, tables, notes, and illustrations. Philadelphia: C.S. Rafinesque. Printed by F. Turner.


Saunt, C. (1999). A new order of things: Property, power, and the transformation of the creek indians, 1733-1816. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York: Cambridge University Press.


Saunt, C. (2000). Taking account of property: Stratification among the creek indians in the early nineteenth century. The William and Mary Quarterly, 57(4), 733-760. doi:10.2307/2674154


Saunt, C. (2005). Black, white, and indian: Race and the unmaking of an american family. New York: Oxford University Press.


South Carolina Department of Agriculture, & Hammond, H. (1883). South carolina; resources and population, institutions and industries. Spartanburg, S.C.: Reprint Co.


United States Bureau of the census. (1910a). Instructions to enumerators, including supplemental instructions for the collection of the statistics of manufactures and of mines and quarries. Washington: Govt. print. off.


United States Bureau of the census. (1910b). Special instructions to enumerators relating to the enumeration of the indians. Washington: Govt. print. off.


United States Census Office. (1890). Report on the population of the united states at the eleventh census. 1890


United States Census Office. (1900). Twelth census... instructions to enumerators.


United States. Census office. 10th census, 1880. (1880). Instructions to enumerators. Washington: Gov't print. off.


Washington, B. T. (1909). The story of the negro. New York: Doubleday, Page.


Woodson, C. G., Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, & Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, inc. (1925a). Free negro heads of families in the united states in 1830. Washington, D.C.: The Association for the study of negro life and history, inc.


Woodson, C. G., Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, & Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, inc. (1925b). Free negro heads of families in the united states in 1830. Washington, D.C.: The Association for the study of negro life and history, inc.

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